Monopoly To Retire Thimble

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Last Updated on December 20, 2019 by Danielle

Monopoly Logo

Monopoly fans have decided to retire the thimble from the classic family board game.

Based on Monopoly fans’ votes, the thimble will be officially retired from the game later this year. As for a replacement, Hasbro has not officially announced one yet. It plans on revealing the replacement token on World Monopoly Day. Mark your calendars fans – it will be on March 19th.

So what are some ideas for replacement pieces for the thimble? In all, there are 63 contenders, including a dinosaur, trumpet, roller skate, cowboy boot, and bow tie. Some have even speculated something more high-tech – like an emoji or hashtag.
The voting took place in the Monopoly Token Madness campaign. According to Hasbro, in almost one month, four million votes were cast and tabulated.

Hasbro made an official statement regarding the thimble. The thimble token was originally added to the game in 1935 and had become a mainstay for years, but it no longer is popular among today’s fans and will subsequently be retired.

The new version of the game without the thimble will be available starting this August.

In other Monopoly news, Croatia will be getting the iconic board game.

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