Star Wars Drones From Spin Master

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Last Updated on December 23, 2019 by Danielle

X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter Battle Set

Spin Master announces new drones based on Star Wars.

With Star Wars: Rouge One set for release later this year, excitement is resurfacing for the Star Wars franchise. Virtually every toy category is receiving the Star Wars treatment. Spin Master announced the expansion of its Star Wars product lineup to include new R/C drones. These new Air Hogs sets are designed to recreate the scenes from the motion picture. It is worth noting that these new drones from Spin Master will be affordable and will not break the bank.

One set will feature an X-Wing attacking the Death Star. Fans will be able to actually shoot a floating Death Star out of the sky thanks to built-in lasers. Landing three shots to other toy’s optical eye will literally cause it to fall out of the sky. We must say that this is one of the most thrilling reproductions of the Star Wars’ iconic space battles. This set will retail for $130.

Another set features an X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter Battle Set. Each vehicle will feature a remote control. Like the previous set, your mission is to knock out the other fighter out of the sky with the integrated laser system. Each controller features and impressive 200-foot range, meaning you’ll be able to fly quite a distance away. It’s worth noting that for a toy drone this size, this is not typical. This X-Wing/Tie Fighter Bundle will retail for $200. Will they make our top toys list?

Both of these new Star Wars drones sets will be available for preorder beginning September 9th.

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